Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Young? or Old?

I have been meaning to do this for a months. Well, to be honest I did start blogging at one point, on some weird obscure site, but lost interest after a while.

I have had almost 10 days of forced rest and of course in those times so many thoughts flit through your mind, as you fight your way through the haze of fever or pain.

There was not dramatic revelation or anything like that, but some things came to me and as i prefer to type them lately rather than write it down, i thought this would be the ideal opportunityh to start off... so here goes :)

I was making myself a cup of milo this morning and thinking back on an email i received my sister, 8 years younger than myself.

Her message went something like this "There is this whippersnapper working with me, who does not know what telex is. Am i the local dinasoar of what? " - Well! i had a good giggle about that, but thinking back on that i also realized that she and i have such a different approach to, is it life, to young people?

I embrace everything that is new. I love the latest technology, trends etc. I so enjoy the company of teenagers. My nephew of 19 and I and sit and jabber about internet, fishing, cars whatever over a cup of coffee and learn from one another all the time.

I have to force myself at times to realize that i AM 40+ moving rapidly to the half century mark and no longer 20 .

My sisters on the other hand tend to feel older, even though they are younger, and i think the difference is simply the way we approach life.

I know a woman of 75 - yet she does not SEEM 75! I love being with her. She is so full of life, so positive and so 2009ish! and yet, has the wisdom of her years to share.
Thats how we should be i think.

Albert Einstein:
People like you and I, though mortal of course like everyone else, do not grow old no matter how long we live...[We] never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born. letter to Otto Juliusburger

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